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Prenatal Yoga is an excellent form of exercise for pregnant women as well as a great stress reliever. It is a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centering and focused breathing. Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and can have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies such as: improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth and decrease lower back pain, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches and shortness of breath. Prenatal Yoga can also help women meet and bond with other pregnant women and prepare for the stress of being a new parent. Mommy & Me Yoga classes are another great way for new moms to connect and bond with their babies and other moms.

Om Ananda Yoga

© 2023 by Amy Johnson, Colorado Birth and Baby, LLC


Disclaimer: As part of this website,, Colorado Birth and Baby (CBB) provides a listing of birth professionals throughout Colorado. CBB provides this information "as is"; as it is given to CBB by the birth listed. Although CBB attempts to deliver only accurate information to its users, CBB assumes no responsibility for and makes no representations with respect to the accuracy of the information. CBB makes no claim to quality of the services provided and takes no responsibility for the services or products offered by the birth professionals it lists. We recommend you interview the birth professional and research the products thoroughly to help you find the services and products that best fits you and your family's needs. Any information on CBB is not intended to replace medical advice from your medical team, doctor or midwife. Always check with your medical provider before making changes to your treatment and regarding your specific medical history. CBB's website,, contains links and references to many third party websites that are not under the control of CBB. These websites do not operate under CBB's privacy policy. We recommend that you visit the privacy policy of all third party websites you visit.

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