Do you want to hire a Doula but you're wondering how to afford the fee? Here are 15 creative way
hearts, not to mention being a part of such an intimate experience. It is hugely important to choose a doula with whom you truly connect and trust. The value of that alone is priceless!
Although doula care is absolutely worth the cost, that doesn’t mean everyone can afford it in one lump sum. If you can truly see the value in the services and support doulas provide but are struggling to find a way to afford these services, I've put together a list of ways to help you find funds for doula support: 1. Add doula services to your baby registry, baby shower or blessing way. many Doulas also offer gift certificates. 2. Ask family members to donate funds for pre-due date holidays. If you are still pregnant at say Christmas or Hanukkah or your birthday, you might consider asking for contributions to your doula fund rather than gifts 3. Nix the non-essentials like lattes and dining out or even cable TV for a few months. Prepare your own meals at home instead of going out to eat in a restaurant. Eating out constantly or even often, especially with the high costs associated with drinks, alcohol and tips, can really add up over time. 4. Ask your doula for a customized package to suit your budget 5. Use a credit card 6. Flex spending, health savings accounts or cafeteria plans 7. Set up a payment plan with your doula 8. Use your tax refund 9. Sell things you don’t use anymore (You’ll be glad for the extra space after baby arrives!) Facebook Yard Sales, Letgo, and Offerup are great apps to try 10. Barter your goods or services for part of the cost. Perhaps you offer a services or goods your doula might need like brand coaching, printing, acupuncture, car repairs etc. Never hurts to ask 11. Use a change jar for saving rather than paying with exact change while out. Anytime you come home with change in your pocket or your purse ...into the jar it goes. A little here and there adds up to quite a lot over time. 12. Pick up a few extra shifts at work if possible or work over time to add to your doula fund 13. Use your local library to borrow books and DVDs for free. No need to buy books or movies at full price. Use the library to the fullest possible extent or borrow from friends. Your doula may even have a lending library you will have access to. If you must purchase a book you can always try Half Price Books or another second-hand bookstore 14. Plan a budget and stick to it. Give yourself a modest of allowance of walk around little petty cash which you would only spend on something necessary. When you carry cash, you’ll find out that you will spend less money 15. Always be on the lookout for places to use coupons and save money. Saving $0.050 here and $1.50 there will add up over time with little effort